The pressure for marriage is increasing.

now how do i explain to my parents that i am a gay and I cannot marry a girl.

not that i wouldn't have wanted to start a normal life. Even i like when a beautiful couple recounts their marriage years. but i know my limitation.

i am a passive gay. had i been an active one, i would at least have staged a fake marriage while actively pursuing an active gay life. but she would know me on day one of marriage. I wouldn't get excited on seein a girl.

And who am i to spoil a girl's life. that is not ethically correct. also i cannot expect her to love me without being satuisfied sexually- now that is such an important part of a marriage - that will only mean that i give her a go ahead to fulfill her sexual desires outside - which i cannot bear . I know i am being partial but ...

Also i don't have the guts to come open before my parents. also not the society.

so i am acting the postponiong game for now. thanks to the recession, i have convinced my parents that my job too is in danger. and so they have agree to wait until some years.

but these old parents of girls won't let me to live in peace. almost every week there is some or other person to meet father for my marriage.

god knows what is in store.

3 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Are you financially independent? If so, you may as well take the plunge and tell them. If they throw you out, you're secure still.

  2. Arpita Says:

    Hey Adi......i respect yr choice of how you would like to spend yr life, but this society never allow us to do so, what i have learnt from people around me is that, if a girl or a boy starts earning they sud get married ASAP, no matter what he or she wants.I hate this kind of mentality of the people.I alone cannot bring out the change, i will impliment it on my children, if i have any in future.

  3. Ohhhh!!! This happens in all gay ppl lifes. Somehwr down even i wish i shud go ahead and get married to a nice homely girl..but then my ethics stops me. But how injustice this is to our lives...dont we have a basic right given by nature to all living things to mate and have children and live a decent 'grihasta' life?
    gay=suffering n loneliness this is true.

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